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Radios & Rattles – No, The Nursery Isn’t Done!

Now that I’m 32 weeks (8 months for those of you who don’t know the ‘common core math’ side of pregnancy…don’t worry I bust out my calculator every week because I haven’t a clue!). Everyone wants to know what the nursery looks like.

Well…it has 4 walls, no carpet and a lot of spackle and primer. People….are….appalled. As if I should have had the nursery done MONTHS ago. In our defense, that room was FULL of boxes and junk we intended to sell, put in another room like a TON of books destined for the room across the hall. So we couldn’t get started on that room full of junk to be the nursery until the room across the hall that was to be turned into a library/playroom was given the OK by the electrician that he did or didn’t need to tear through the floor to access electrical boxes in those room for the rooms below those rooms. Follow? I know, it’s chaos…welcome to my world.

Further more, in the 3rd trimester…I get tired easily. And I seemed to have developed carpal tunnel due to the swelling in my hands which not only makes holding a paint brush hard, but holding a paint brush above my head for a long time…excruciating. So this is slow going.

SO…the electrician gave the ok for the nursery room to be finished by us, no further work needed to be done there. So the project began a few weeks ago. Below is the photo from our walk through from when we bought the house.  

I wish you could smell that photo. Stinky carpet, dirty walls….gross. Just gross. In the past few weeks my dear husband has ripped up and disposed of the nasty carpet and began spackling the walls. Hard to see in that photo but there were holes in those walls EVERYWHERE! Everything the prior owner had on the wall at one point in the last 40 years was held up with dozens of thumbtacks. There’s also about 2-3 layers of paint, with painted over scotch tape someone was too lazy to peel off.  Fun.


Finally once the dust settled, literally…(my husband sealed off the room during the sanding process as he didn’t want me breathing in any dust kicked up) I was allowed to prime the room!!! So satisfying to cover up imperfections that have been fixed and start with a clean slate.

You’re probably wondering why…if I’m in pain or tired, etc. that my dear husband didn’t step in to paint instead of me. The fact of the matter is, he offered. I accepted. He primed a 1×1 ft section of the ceiling…but I fired him. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to painting and it was driving me nuts watching him paint and leaving drips! I love him to bits but we’ve settled into the ‘home improvement’ roles very well. He’s very good at the destruction…I’m very good at the construction.

So after a week of spackle, priming…more spackle, more primer, swollen feet, tired hands…we can FINALLY PAINT!!!!

What color will it be? You’ll have to wait until next week!
