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Radios & Rattles – Everything is Fine! Probably. Maybe. I Don’t Really Know…

This entire pregnancy someone, somewhere has commented just how calm, cool and collected I seem. Symptoms don’t phase me, aches and pains don’t bother me, planning, gathering clothes and furniture…I’m a chill Mom-to-be.


It’s just the easiest way to process everything, don’t let it all get to me, so I don’t stress out and lose my mind! Here’s my going philosophy:  Symptoms – Heartburn, swollen feet and hands, being over tired, frequent trips to the bathroom…I got this.

Heartburn? I’ll eat some tums, I’ll go away. Swollen feet/hands? Bought some compression socks and bigger shoes and I don’t wear my engagement ring. Overtired? Bah, this is nothing compared to when the baby wakes up every other hour to feed. Frequent trips to the bathroom? Ok, that one is kind of annoying…5 total last night alone. This kid is using my bladder as a trampoline.

My husband is calm and chill usually through everything and I’ve kind of taken a note from him. I try not to let things stress me out, I have to constantly be searching for the solution to whatever problem or issue I may be facing and just deal. 3 weeks ago my Dr’s office wanted me to do another 3 hour glucose test. The problem is the glucola drink they give you makes me REALLY sick. Option B was to stick my fingers and do glucose monitoring for 2 weeks. Did it stink? Yes. But the alternative would have been worse.

Take it all as it comes. Day by day. We have a saying in our family…Un jour a la fois (one day at a time).

Someone did comment to me recently just how chill I was. You’re not scared about being a Mom and taking care of this tiny person? Nah…when in actuality my brain is going:

OMG I’m in charge of this little person now and when she grows up her manners where she goes what she does what if I don’t like her friends or she brings home a boyfriend when I specifically said no dating until you’re 16 better make that 18 no 35 what if she doesn’t get into the college she wants or cant afford it what if I can’t afford it what if she’s riding her cute little pink Barbie bike at the age of 5 falls down hits her head get amnesia  and forgets her name a name that we struggled to pick out for months and she not only forgets her name but math and then she can never be an accountant or astronaut or a banker and she doesn’t get into a good school because they figure out in the 1st semester she can’t count or recognize numbers AT ALL they kick her out and laugh at her all because she fell and hit her head while riding her cute pink Barbie bike at the age of 5.

ALL OF THAT…all of it… and more of those bizarre scenarios are constantly running through my head.

And that’s how I decided she will never have a pink Barbie bike and will wear a helmet 24/7 until the age of 12.

