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Radios & Rattles – I’m Pinocchio

Queazy stomach, heartburn, swollen feet…I thought I had seen it about it all…and then  it happened. My nose grew. I read up on a ton of pregnancy symptoms, talked to friends so I was fully prepared to buy Costco size containers of Tums and to buy a couple new pairs of shows but not one of them said their nose grew!

One morning I got up and my nose was red, again. Slathered some concealer on and I was good to go. Then it happened the next day…and the next and I noticed my nose was a bit swollen too, not terribly noticeable but along the lines of when you’re sick and your nose is a bit stuffy and swollen…like that. 1 quick Google search and I learned this is normal! It comes from increased estrogen levels, which helps blood flow, which then plumps up your nose as a result (but thankfully is supposed to shrink back down in a few months)…a slightly bigger nose

So let’s talk about some 3 Trimester odd but totally normal symptoms.

Heartburn…pretty common mostly because baby is taking up a LOT more room in 3rd tri and the second the calendar flipped over 28-29 weeks…I was eating Tums like they were going out of style. I managed to control it better by changing up my diet with less ‘trigger foods’.

Feeling full faster…again due to baby taking up so much of my personal space! Sounds like an easy remedy by snacking more but with my Dr’s office monitoring my diet/blood sugar levels this week (I’ll get to that in another blog), ideally for testing, 3 meals a day, not a lot of snacking, not eating certain foods (many of which calms my heartburn)…which is the TOTAL opposite of what I want to be doing. Can I preggo girl get a donut?! PLEASE?!

Odd Dreams…nothing to wild yet….yet! Although I did have a dream last night I left the studio in the middle of the day and decided to sell cars, changed my mind at the end of the day and went back to my show. Totally bizarre! Again…hormones.

Clumsiness…Once again…hormones! I have noticed I have been dropping things, forgetting things, can’t hold certain types of pens (thin ones) without dropping it. That could also be because of swollen fingers, too. With this belly taking up so much real estate  I will admit there has been a few times when I’ve dropped a pen, paper, business card…and it just stayed there. Totally not worth picking it up. I dropped my debit card in a store the other day, I looked down at it for a long time, contemplated leaving it behind, paying in cash and totally risking identity theft before picking it up.

